• Author:Jennifer
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GSReptiles.com Launched

GSReptiles.com officially launched as of 03/27/2014. GS Reptiles specializes in the breeding of Carpet Pythons and Green Tree Pythons for sale. The owner of the site wanted to have a web presence and contacted me to build a site that would allow him to quickly and easily add and remove snakes. He wanted a simple and clean design that wouldn’t distract from the snakes.

Home Page

Home page

The home page displays snakes in a tiled fashion. The snakes can be filtered using the menu bar along the top, providing the user a quick way to narrow down by collections.

Hover effect

Hover effect

Hovering over a tile will display the type of snake, but will also allow you to click on the tile to access additional details about the snake.

Snake detail page

Snake detail page

The detail page provides information about the snake and a larger image of it.

The site can be fully updated by the website owner as needed and is responsive to different devices.





The images above represent the proposed design and implementation for the site. Ultimately, the client chose to modify the layout slightly. The final site implementation can be seen at gsreptiles.com.

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